Thursday, March 24, 2011



Cool title, huh?  And cyberknife is actually as cool as it sounds.  Cyberknife is an intense type of radiation.  The victim, I mean patient, is required to lie still for 45-70 minutes as the radiation machine, with a rotating mechanical arm, blasts the tumor from different angles. (I would be happy to answer any questions that you have about the cyberknife process as I watched an 8 minute informative video on it . . by myself.)  So, tomorrow (Friday, March 25th) Kevin will receive his first treatment, with two more treatments scheduled for Monday and Tuesday. They will be radiating just one spot in his back where there is an infected piece of bone that is right on his nerve. Nothing has proved successful to stopping the pain - a nerve block, pain killers, libroderm patches, etc; so we are really hoping that cyberknife will be the answer to our prayers. I am actually leaving tomorrow to go with 100 middle school kids on an orchestra overnighter . . .not sure who you should feel sorrier for this weekend - Kevin or me!  (Just kidding, Sophie, I am so excited for the adventure, and Kev’s in good hands with his mom, visiting from SLC)


  1. Hmmmm... 70 minutes of radiation or 100 middle schoolers on an overnighter. Not sure who wins here?!? Hopefully the cyberknife against the tumor!!! Love you both!!! xoxo

  2. Good luck, Abby and Kevin! A big weekend for you both!

  3. Way to go Abby-the blog is perfect! (I'm still thinking 'cancer is the craps' would be a fitting title, but you took the high road--love your positive attitude!) Kevin, you can do it! That has been our family mantra for you, and always has been. Hey, do you remember Chad George? He just brought me flowers with tears in his eyes as we spoke of you, Kev. What a great guy! Have fun with Omi this weekend. You are in my every prayer!! I love you! Don't forget, you promised to do LOTOJA with me this summer :)

  4. Oh Gosh Abby! I don't know how to help. If I can do ANYTHING please let me know. I can bake you a cake? We can eat the whole thing together!
    Olivia says if Sophie needs a big sis, she is there. I believe in Miracles.


  5. Yikes for you and Kevin, but we are praying it works and gives him some much needed relief. Love you all!

  6. Hang in there Kevin!!! Keeping our fingers crossed for you that you can find relief from that pain through cyberknife!

  7. With respect and adoration we watch the SoCal Hegewalds climb! CLIMB, CLIMB, CLIMB, we are cheering for you all the way! Kevy, Jimmer's got nothin on you!!!

    Bruce Gunther

  8. Gillian said...
    Thank you, Abby, for keeping us posted on Kevin's progress. He is a brave guy and we have you all in our thoughts and prayers. We love your family!
