Thursday, March 8, 2012

SUPER Premium

One of the stark realities of losing a spouse is the weight of feeling like now you’re IT - you’re all your kids have. This feeling prompts you to invest in life insurance; enough life insurance that your kids won’t burden someone else, but not enough that they will be tempted to kill you. Part of the application process includes a physical; nothing alarming expected.  In fact, it was predicted that due to my “good Mormon living” I would most likely achieve “premium status.” When the home visit EMT strapped my arm in the blood pressure cuff, pieces of a conversation I had with my dad about “failing a blood pressure test and needing to take a prescription to help lower it before taking another blood pressure test” flooded my mind.  I started to panic.  I tried deep breathing and calm thoughts.  The lady looked at me very strangely.  Trying not to break into a sweat, I asked her if anything was the matter.  She said, “Is your blood pressure usually this low?”  I didn’t have the heart (ha) or the desire to tell her that my heart had recently been broken, and was actually quite relieved with the news that it was still in fact beating . however slowly.  Well, my slow beating heart and my good Mormon living earned me not “premium” status, but “SUPER premium” status! I didn’t even know there was such a thing. Here are a few of my super premium secrets. 
  1. drink alcohol
  2. smoke, chew, or like the smell of tobacco
  3. use, nor ever did use,  any of Kevin’s fentinyl lollipops
  4. drink caffeine, unless it’s diet and served over pellet ice
  5. exercise, except walking my kids to school in my pajamas
  6. go to bed without first having a bowl of icecream
  7. stand in front of the microwave
  8. own an iphone
  9. snore
  10. text and drive (duh)
Oh, it’s wonderful to be me.  Now I can look in the mirror, past what is staring back at me, and think about how I look from the inside . . and I look SUPER premium.  


  1. You're not fooling any of're SUPER premium on the outside too! Hugs XO

  2. I agree with Kim! SUPER premium inside and out.

  3. Thanks so much for sharing your witty and inspiring writing with us! Lots of love from the Guldners...

  4. I love this post for more ways than one, but I know you are fibbing on are a runner through and through. Combine that with your 9 other bullet points and no wonder you are super premium status:)

  5. came looking for a new post... :) maybe you are waiting on your slooooow photo friend to deliver the promised pictures?

    And you are, most definitely, super DUPER premium in my book too!!

  6. You are SUPER in everything Abby!
